Certificates of Deposit

Certificate of Deposit

A Share Certificate of Deposit (CD) is an easy and secure way to put money aside. How long you have your certificate determines how much interest you’ll earn. You should look into the specific terms and rates that apply to each certificate before deciding to open a CD and be aware that early withdrawals carry a penalty.

  • Open with as little as $1,000
  • Earn dividends monthly
  • Competitive rates
  • No annual fees
  • Flexible terms from 3 - 60 months
  • Federally insured by NCUA

Youth CDs

A Youth Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a great way to start saving for the future! Don't miss out on our Youth CD Special!

  • Open with as little as $250
  • Continuously add funds over the term of the CD
  • Earn dividends monthly
  • Competitive rates
  • No annual fees
  • Terms from 12 - 36 months

Effective Date: Thursday February 6, 2025
CD Options**APY*Minimum Opening Balance
12 Month CD 3.00% $1,000
24 Month CD 3.75% $1,000
36 Month CD 2.02% $1,000
48 Month CD 2.27% $1,000
60 Month CD 2.53% $1,000
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
**Certificates may be subject to penalty for early withdrawal.

Effective Date: Thursday February 6, 2025
IRA CD Options**APY*Minimum Opening Balance
6 Month IRA CD 1.26% $500
12 Month IRA CD 3.00% $500
24 Month IRA CD 3.75% $500
36 Month IRA CD 2.02% $500
48 Month IRA CD 2.27% $500
60 Month IRA CD 2.53% $500
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
**Certificates may be subject to penalty for early withdrawal.

Youth CDs
Effective Date: Thursday February 6, 2025
NameAPY*Minimum Opening Balance
12 Month Youth CD** 4.00% $250
24 Month Youth CD** 4.00% $250
36 Month Youth CD** 4.00% $250
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
** Youth CDs are available for members 18 years and under. Certificate must be opened under youth's name and SSN. The CD must have the same joint member as the savings account it is tied to.

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